Think you know who’s moving?

Identify home moves as they happen

Knowing when somebody has moved allows you to be far more discerning about who you are suppressing.

Fression built using the date of the change of occupancy, rather than a spurious date derived from when the change was discovered. This allows users to identify when their contact has moved in subsequent to any recorded changes.

Confirmed whole-house moves

Many suppression providers will identify a confirmed individual mover as a whole household move, because they lack the depth of knowledge about the household.

Others don’t distinguish between individual and whole household moves, making it less reliable to use anything other than a full forename and surname match.

When a single member of a household moves out, it is often better to continue mailing their old address, at least until you have been informed directly by that individual.

Fression data only includes whole household moves.

Built using actual move data

For more than two decades, the Direct Marketing industry has relied on data sourced from either the electoral role or credit reference agencies, to identify home movers. The electoral role has become increasingly unreliable, as it has failed to keep pace with Britain’s evolving population, and changes to its permitted use have made it more difficult to access.

With ever increasing regulation, in both the direct marketing and financial services sectors, Credit reference agencies are finding it harder than ever, to deliver meaningful and accurate data on changes of address.

Reduces over-suppression

Fression only includes data from moves that happened within the last 10 years, and every record is date stamped to indicate their last month of residence.

Unique access to rental data allows Fression to ignore properties where a sale has been recorded but the current occupier is renting.

Powered by the UK’s largest property network

There have been many attempts to garner change of address details direct from the public. Perhaps the most successful, Royal Mail’s NCOA, has failed to improve its collection of this data as a hygiene service much beyond a small niche.

The Zoopla Property Group are the single largest online provider of property related data in the UK. Their extensive portfolio gives them unparalleled insight into the home-movers market.

Even as little as a decade ago, estate agencies and online property services, were a collection of small disparate businesses, with self-interest as their prime motivator. Now the market has evolved and matured, and although there are probably even more recognisable names in the marketplace, there are few that feature quite as prominently as the Zoopla Property Group.


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Chapel House
Chapel Lane
St Ives
PE27 5DX
020 3815 4455